The King of Wands It is a powerful tarot deck card. It’s a card that represents true leadership and perseverance. It is all about How someone feels about youThe King of Wands can be interpreted in a variety of ways.
In this article you’ll find out the meaning of this tarot card when pulled in either the upright or reversed position. On top of that, we’ll also go over some insightful tarot card combinations and their meaning with regards to feelings. Without further ado, let’s dive straight in!
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King of Wands As Feelings
The King of Wands represents intense passion feelings. The King of Wands person is highly attracted to you in all aspects, particularly the physical. They are very happy to be around you and will tell you their true feelings and intentions.
Person who is the King of Wands will likely feel a surge of energy. Energie When they are close to you. As soon as they see you, their faces will lighten up instantly.
The King of Wands is in a very upright position. Confident When it comes to winning the love of their life, they are a great choice. They can be charming and often have a great knack for making you laugh.

The King of Wands doesn’t have a particular way of thinking. They are usually very open-minded and willing to try new things.
If a King of Wands is interested in you, they will take the first step towards making it clear their intentions towards you.
They are extremely helpful. honest They are open to sharing their feelings and don’t fear to share them. They love to experience a challenge and won’t easily give up.
They feel attracted and also have the desire to be loved. Protect You are there for them at all times. They want to be there to make you feel secure and taken care of. They will do everything necessary to ensure this happens.
King of Wands: Feelings Reversed
If pulled in reverse, the King Of Wands symbolizes someone who feels entitled and entitled to whatever they want. They can be quite aggressive when trying to reach their goals and feel more important than others.
These feelings and behaviors often originate from deep, hidden emotions. insecurity They are egotistical and act like the King of Wands.
The King of Wands is a person who likes to feel included Control At any given moment. They can become angry and bitter if they feel that someone is taking control of them.
They will either stop communicating with you or make mistakes that they regret.
King Of Wands and Emperor As Feelings
Combining the King of Wands with the Emperor signifies that someone feels extremely responsible for a particular situation. They believe it is their responsibility to bear the burden of the entire world on your shoulders and help you find relief.
Feelings: King of Wands and Queen of Wands
Combining the King and Queen of Wands together can indicate feelings of high compatibility, especially in regards to the physical aspect. These cards signify that you both fit together as yin and Yang. Both you and your partner feel very attracted to the other and share the same feelings towards the relationship.
King of Wands and The Lovers as Feelings
Combining the King of Wands with the Lovers indicates feelings of attraction in all senses of the word. They feel deeply in love with your partner and find you both beautiful and fascinating. They feel like they’ve found the best of both worlds in you.
King of Wands and Temperance as Feelings
Combining the King of Wands and Temperance, this person feels at home and secure with you. They feel so attracted to you that they are almost unsure how important this connection is to them. They feel overwhelmed by emotions.
King Of Wands and the Devil As Feelings
The King of Wands and the Devil card combined indicate this person feels an intense level of desire towards you but there’s a large chance they are not interested in anything serious. They are merely looking for fun and don’t have any expectations.
Final Conclusion
The King of Wands Tarot cards indicate Feelings of intense (physically) attraction. The King of Wands is a person who feels energetic around you and will do whatever it takes to win you over.
In Reversed positionThe King of Wands symbolizes someone who feels extremely strongly. Egotistical And The title. This person will likely feel very insecure and they may act in a controlling manner that will eventually push their loved ones away.
When it comes to the Combination King of Wands With the EmperorThis indicates that someone feels very responsible.
The King of Wands combines with the Queen of Wands High (physical) compatibility The King of Wands, and the Lovers Indicates that someone is attracted to your on all levels.
The King of Wands Temperance You represent someone who feels overwhelmed and is surprised at how much they love you.
Last but not the least, the King Of Wands combined with The Devil This card is used to indicate that the person feels attracted to someone in a physical way, but is unlikely to be looking for something serious.
This article was enjoyed by you The King of Wands and would like to find out more information on this card, I’ve written this other article that covers how to interpret the King of Wands when it comes to specific questions That is why it is so important a clear yes or no answer!