The King of Swords It is a powerful tarot deck card. This card is associated with clarity and power. The King of Swords As feelingsThere is an interesting interpretation of this tarot deck.
In this article you’ll find out what this card means with regards to someone’s feelings towards you when being pulled in either the upright or reversed position. You’ll also gain some helpful insights on the meaning of a few powerful card combinations as to how someone might be feeling towards you. Without further ado, let’s get started!
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King of Swords as Feelings
The King of Swords can be described as someone who has feelings but is trying hard not to let them know. As the King of Swords sees themself as a tactical and structured person, they don’t like to be out of control. It might take some time before they finally admit their love for you.
The King of Swords can often be interpreted as someone who has had bad experiences in love.
Someone could have hurt them emotionally. Put up your guard Don’t let anyone get too close to you to make them hurt again.
The King of Swords is represented by someone who stands upright and represents the King of Swords. Hide Their feelings for each other.
They may convince themselves they don’t like you that way, and will deliberately ignore you to reduce the opportunity of you sensing their feelings in any possible way.
It’s only when the person of their interest has had enough and decides to leave. Walk away They may be able to convince the King of Swords to let go of their guard and join you in battle.

They might finally get to the realization It is not possible to plan everything in life. People will have to learn to accept vulnerability in order live a full and satisfying life.
You will be able to see the King of Swords when they finally relax and let go of their guard. romantic Person who is loyal and respectful to their partner. This person will feel very secure. Protective Over you.
King of Swords is Reversed as Feelings
The King of Swords is in an inverted position, which indicates someone who is manipulative and ruthless. This person is aware that they have a certain influence on you and is most likely using it to their advantage. This person believes they have control over you and is insecure.
It is best to Stay far from the crowd Someone who is the King of Swords reverse. They may give you the idea that they’re feeling deeply in love with you, however this is most likely only a cover up.
This person likes to keep you around for their own personal needs and won’t hesitate to drop you like a brick the second someone better comes along.
They are grateful for the admiration and attention they get from you.
When you feel like you have been giving more than you’ve been receiving from this person time and time again; do yourself a favour and walk away without looking back.
King of Swords & Strength As Feelings
This person may feel confident, passionate, and strong when they have the King of Swords card and the Strength card together. This person may very well be building up the strength to face their feelings for you and drop their mask they’ve been wearing for quite some time now.
Their Strength card demonstrates their determination and motivation. Own up To express their deepest emotions, and not to be held back by their need for control.
The realization dawned on him that vulnerability It is a sign of intelligence and great power.
King & Queen of Swords As Feelings
The King of Swords or Queen of Words is pulled together to indicate that the two partners are engaged in some kind of power struggle. Both individuals don’t feel content when it comes to the current dynamic of the relationship. Both aren’t willing to let go of their feelings and be open about them.
Some of these symptoms may occur challenging There are times in your relationship that can make you question whether you’re still a good match.
This card combination appears in your reading to make sure you are aware Realize You can understand the real situation and take action.
Be the sensible partner in your relationship. You should be the one who is calm and collected when addressing the problems. Your relationships should be kept civil. ego Take your partner out of the equation, and listen to their feelings.
You can change the dynamics of your relationship by focusing on fun and exciting activities that you could do together.
What Share Passions What do you have in common? This could be a great way to rekindle the spark.
King Of Swords & Lovers As Feelings
A person who has the King of Swords or the Lovers card together shows that they feel very compatible with yours. They feel as if you would make a great team together and you complement each other’s most important qualities. The card combination has strong feelings.
The King of Swords has a reputation for being a highly intelligent and powerful person.
They dream of being your partner. Partner in life and they feel as if they’ve never met anyone who has given them the type of feelings you were able to release in them. They will become more open to you.
King Of Swords & Justice As Feelings
If the King of Swords card and the Justice card appear together in a tarot read, it is a sign that someone is trying to right wrongs. They may have been sending mixed signals lately but now they realize that you deserve more.
You might notice a change in the person that your tarot reader is about. They might Start Get to know them better and make sure they are available for you.
They will do everything in their power to ensure you have the best interests of your family.
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In conclusion
The The King of Swords is in an upright position Represents Feelings of security self-protection. The person may be attracted to you but trying to keep their feelings secret in order not to get hurt.
When pulled in, a Reversed positionThe King of Swords, or the feeling that someone has, is indicated by Manipulative Control. When it comes to love, this person is likely playing a game; the feelings they display are not sincere.
It all comes down to Combinations of tarot cardsCombined with the King of Swords, he is called “The King of Swords.” The Strength Card This person feels that they must be honest with you about their feelings.
The King & Queen Swords Combining means you and your partner are both stubborn and unhappy in the relationship.
The King of Swords The Lovers Combining is a strong sign of compatibility. Last but not the least, the King of Swords. Justice Someone who believes you are worthy of clarity.
If you enjoyed this article, please let us know. The King of Swords and would like to find out more information on this card, I’ve written this other article that covers how to interpret the King of Swords when it comes to specific questions These require a clear understanding. Yes or no!