If you are just starting your tarot journey it can be daunting to learn the meanings and interprets of each card.

You will probably find yourself keeping your tarot guidebook close to your heart as you go along your tarot reading, as you likely won’t be able to read the cards right on the spot without having to look up their meanings and interpretations each time. This can become frustrating, especially for beginners.

The difficulty of reading the cards without a guidebook was almost enough to make me throw my deck into the nearest fire pit when I first started with tarot.This could just be me, though. I am well-known for having the attention span of an octopus.).

This was true until I discovered that there are tarot cards that have the meanings and keywords directly printed on them. It makes readings flow much easier.

This article will highlight some of my favorite tarot decks that have meaningful meanings and keywords. You can also be confident in your future readings by using these decks!

The Best Tarot Decks With Keywords and Meanings

Quick & Easy Tarot

Quick & Easy Tarot This deck is the most popular tarot deck for beginners looking for meaning-rich cards.

This deck is based upon the Rider-Waite universal bestseller.
deck will give you the best chance of success on your tarot adventure right away

Whereas most regular tarot decks come with a guidebook, this deck won’t interrupt your concentration as you won’t have to look up the meaning and interpretations of each card you pull during a reading.

It’s a great way of getting in touch with cards in a natural manner and can be used as a foundation to help you use more challenging decks later.

Starter Tarot deck

The Starter Tarot Deck Another great deck for beginners is the X-Standard. To make it easier for you to read, both the upright and reverse meanings of each card are printed directly on them.

The cards have positive, colourful illustrations that are simple and yet very positive. Great for beginners as the illustrations don’t tend to distract you from the meaning of the cards as much.

They are strong and easy to shuffle.

Spiritsong Tarot

The Spiritsong tarot It is beautifully illustrated, and comes with useful keywords.

They are inspired by animals and illustrated with a dreamy feeling. The cards’ meanings and interpretations are perfectly matched by the illustrations, making it easier to connect with them.

You can also find keywords printed on each card. The Spiritsong tarot is an excellent tool to connect with your Higher self and assist you in your journey of spiritual enlightenment.

If you feel the keywords are somehow not sufficient enough and you’d like some more guidance to understand the meaning of the cards better, you will be pleased to know this deck comes with a handy 108-page guidebook as well.

So it’s totally up to you whether you rely just on the keywords stated on the cards, or if you choose to dive in to the meaning of each card on a deeper level.

Spiritsong Tarot is an excellent deck that features cards that are both sturdy and easy to shuffle. It is an excellent beginner deck that anyone who enjoys beautiful aesthetics and practicality will love.

Oceanic Tarot

The deck that I love the most in this list is the Oceanic Tarot deck. I love the magical world of mermaids, sea creatures, and other sea creatures. This deck was able to perfectly capture that vibe in the cards.

This deck is beautifully illustrated in vibrant, happy colours. Each tarot card will have the main keyword that explains the meaning. This makes it easy for you to read them.

You will also be given a guidebook which will provide additional information on the meanings and possible interpretations for the card.

You will also find clear instructions on how to arrange the cards in various spreads. This will allow you to gain insight into how to draw meanings from the future and past.

Tin with the Sun and Moon Tarot

The Sun and Moon Tarot This deck is unique and beautiful, and it’s inspired by both mythology as well as astrology. It features keywords at the top of the Minor Arcana Cards.

It’s a multi-cultural deck of tarot cards with many symbolisms that can also be found in yoga, Hinduism, and Greek mythology.

A guidebook with extensive information is included, even though most cards include helpful keywords.

This guidebook includes information about astrological associations as well as explanations for Hebrew letters on the cards.

As the name implies, the Sun and Moon tarot card deck is packaged in a sturdy metal tin. This gives it that extra touch and makes it stand out wherever you display it.

Osho Zen Tarot

The Osho Zen Tarot This deck is full-color and easy to read because it includes keywords that relate to the meaning of each card.

The illustrations on the Tarot cards are amazing and will help you get incredible results.  

This deck is inspired from Zen’s wisdom. Zen emphasizes efficiency, creativity, discovery of your full potential.

The deck allows us to focus on the higher Self and take our eyes off of everyday life.

Osho Zen Tarot decks can be a great tool for self-care. It will provide clarity and helpful insights to help you choose a path.

A 192-page guidebook will be included with your deck. This guidebook can be used to help you understand the details of a particular card.

The deck also comes with a sturdy box that will protect your cards and keep them in great condition for long-term enjoyment.

Next World Tarot

The Next World Tarot deck It is, as the name suggests, unique in its genre. It’s a stunning deck that emphasizes inclusivity and includes illustrations of all genders, bodies types, and races.

When designing this deck, the artist was inspired by her friends and acquaintances. This resulted in diversity at its best.

This deck features very detailed artwork and illustrated.
Imagine a world where justice depends on revolutionary love and respect.

In my opinion, the keywords on these cards are not quite as clear as the other decks in this list, but it’s still a great deck to definitely think about adding to your collection.

You will do just fine with this deck, especially if you consider yourself to have a little more experience than the average tarot beginner.

The deck includes a guidebook, which will provide more clarity and help you be more useful
The meanings and meanings of the cards.

Angel Tarot Cards

The Angel Tarot Cards deck This deck is very accessible because it has extensive meanings and keywords displayed on every card. This deck is perfect for beginners.

These cards have beautiful illustrations that radiate positivity and are filled with positive energy. Images mostly depict angels, fairies, fairies, and mermaids in magical ways.

It’s really impossible to get a bad reading when using this deck!

The keywords on the cards can be understood quite easily, and the deck also comes with a detailed guidebook.

Even if you’re just beginning to use tarot cards, the deck can let you flow through your readings.